Struggling To Find A Safe and Strong  Support Environment for You? 

This is an invitation to join the intimate Monthly SHINE Gathering - an in-person women community where you learn, grow and thrive through authentic conversations and connections. 

Research shows that more than 85% of visible minority Women need safe spaces to connect

Having an uplifting and supportive community can help women like you feel less isolated, more connected, and more resilient in the face of challenges experienced as an immigrant.

"One woman can make a difference but together we can rock the world".


Stay tuned for the next SHINE Gathering for Women!


In The Next 6 Months, You Could…

  • Finally be worry free from Fear and Low Confidence
  • Gain clarity and confidence that empower your unique path to lasting success
  • Have access to the right tools and quality networks to balance motherhood, family, career or business
  • Be generating passive income doing what you love best

The right awareness, mindset and environment can make all the difference.

This is a tiny bit of what we cover in the SHINE Gathering. 

Click the link below to register for this recurring monthly in-person experience, the location and other details will be sent once registration is complete


Check out this GLOWING feedback from a recent event! Don't miss this! 


The SHINE Gathering Membership for Immigrant, Black & Visible Minority Women

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Are You Are Ready To Stop Second Guessing and Soar Higher? 

This monthly retreat and intimate conversation will help you start connecting the dots on what is 100% possible for you! 

You begin to understand the mindset shifts and growth beliefs you need to get out of worrying about your current state and stepping into the fullness of a life you can be proud of. You’ll learn how to:

  • Kick excuses to the sidelines and attract high paying clients and jobs.
  • Take better care of  your spiritual, mental, physical and financial health
  • Earn way MORE than what you currently earn making a lasting impact in the world
  • Build and maintain healthy relationships 

With a simple shift in your mindset and smart growth practices, you could start living the life of your dreams.


Meet Esther, your Lead Host

Most would describe me as a mother, coach,  purpose activator, and transformation catalyst. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are YOU!

After graduating with an MBA  in Canada, I was hit with intense impostor syndrome and doubted my self which resulted in settling for less.  Not exactly the way I expected to start my new career path in Canada! 

But with investment in personal growth and mindset shifts, I was well on my way to breaking through glass ceilings! 

Now I use what I've learned to help women of color just like you find a lasting path to freedom. Alongside the amazing members of the  SHINE Gathering group, we'll show you how to recharge your energy, earn more income with confidence, break through glass ceiling and put your strengths to work with mindset breakthroughs.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from unhealthy pressure and start living a life FULL of Freedom and Fulfillment in Who We Have Been Created to Be!  

To read more about how we add value to Women like you. click here

"One woman can make a difference but together we can rock the world.

"I am absolutely delighted I was able to attend the SHINE GATHERING session, the information is highly relevant and environment is just right for every woman who really want to have a safe space to express herself without guilt!

- Ene O. 

"As a Mom of 3 in a new country, I felt really isolated with a limited sense of authentic connections, Coach Esther  helped me grow personally and professional. It was life giving to have her support me in building my business and access to connections that fueled my success! I highly recommend her coaching solutions as an immigrant."

- Carla Vargas.

Very impactful. Esther is passionate about helping women and it shows. I enjoy connecting with women who are growth minded and open to sharing their experiences 

"Come be yourself in a safe place. Learn with other women, share, listen and grow at your own pace".

"Engaging, safe place to connect. Met new friends and look forward to attending more. Thank you!!"

"Educational,  very informative and Inspiring"

"Esther is a rare jewel to our women here. Let's go girl!"


"As a woman who juggles a lot of responsibilities with self-care often taking the backseat, this was such an enlightening session that got me seriously thinking about lifestyle changes I’d like to make going forward"

- Dr. Ruth Oni

"I had a lot of dissatisfaction within and my experience with Esther's transformation workshop jolted me into momentumIf you are looking for clarity, finetuning, articulation and a sense of direction then you want to attend one of Esther's SHINE sessions.  Thank you Esther, you are a firelighter!"

- Busola Ladeloye

"It was a very inspiring and comforting experience meeting the other ambitious women who were in the room. Esther has done a great job of creating a nurturing and growth focused space for women to grow.

- Teca Cameron-Tackie

My faith has been strengthened to the core and this feeling brings a sense of deeper peace. It is the best investment I have made in myself. 

Esther working alongside me has brought much clarity to my personal, social, family, and work life. It's like my lenses are brand new and my confidence continues to soar higher.

I love Esther's insightful questions as a coach and the way she makes sessions flow with ease. With simplicity and liveliness she allows me to arrive on the other side with brilliant ideas, options, and possibilities."

- Renesha Robinson.


Got Questions?

We Have Answers!